Taking control of your thoughts and feelings

Scientists say we have approximately 60,000 thoughts going through our mind each day. However the majority of those thoughts tend to stay the same from the day before to the day after. Scientists have also proven that through the process of neuroplasticity, the neural networks of the brain can change through growth and reorganisation. This means you can literally re-wire your brain. 

When you think negative thoughts, the brain will release corresponding chemicals  such as cortisol the stress hormone. This sets your body up into a state of stress and is very unhealthy for your body and your mind. The same goes then so that when you think positive thoughts the brain will release feel good hormones and bring your body into a state of balance.

I like to teach my clients how to re-wire their brain. One step to do this is to really become aware of your thoughts. Become the observer and start noticing what thoughts you’re actually thinking. If the thought happens to be negative, or is a thought that doesn’t serve, then change it to a positive thought and flip it around. This takes a lot of practise in the beginning but once you can get a handle on it, it starts to become second nature and puts you in a very powerful place where you can completely take control of what you’re thinking about. This feels incredible once you’ve mastered it. 

Our reality is all about our perception of that reality. If you can change your perception, you change your life. If this is something you would like any help with, please give me a call or send me a message to set up a free, no obligation phone consultation.
