Self-belief is not something you have or haven’t got, it’s something you simply need to practice.  Deep inside you is a place where you have deep store houses of belief, you may never have found them but imagine for a moment a version of you that was always loved and supported, given everything you ever needed, where you were invested in and nurtured to your full potential. You might not have been given everything you ever needed but that potential still exists inside you. Picture if you will, a version of you that doesn’t care what other people think, a type of person who is understanding of others, a type of person who is relaxed about themselves and therefore a person who most people feel comfortable with. The type of person who is not afraid to speak up but doesn’t need to be the centre of attention. The type of person who does what they say they are going to do. A person who has control over themselves without being hard on themselves. A person who, whilst all others are losing their heads, keeps their cool. That version of you exists inside you right now and we can use hypnotherapy to unlock that version of you and allow yourself to shine like never before.

By simply getting into a very relaxed and calm state, we slow the brain waves down so can access the subconscious mind. According to scientists the subconscious is charge of 95% of how we act, think and feel. We can get to the root cause of why you have low self-belief and heal those emotions or traumas from your past. You learn to give yourself the love and support that was not always given to you when you needed it. Only by learning to love yourself completely can you truly learn to love others. We re-program the brain at the subconscious level by using tools such as affirmations and visualisations to re-program how you think and feel about yourself.

With practise, your self-belief and self-confidence will grow. You may take small and tentative steps at first, but they will soon turn into long and confident strides and you will be amazed at how far you have come in such a small space of time.

If self-belief is an issue which is affecting you, please give me a call or send me a message so we can arrange a free, no obligation chat to see if this is the right fit for you.
